Food & Real Life
bread is damn good. Vegetables are fresh, sweet and so aesthetically pleasing
that I must admit to having had taken a few photos of a certain cauliflower who
lives down the road. The vegetables seem to pose coquettishly in their stands, guilty-pleasures
winking and mesmerizing passerbyers with their array of peacock colors. And the
fruit is pleasurable on a level that is almost surreal; the scent of the
seasonal offerings wafts down the road and I can hear the strawberries singing
their Siren song.
am not someone who, in the past, appreciated a butcher per say but this has
changed in Paris. All the butchers I have seen thus far are handsome and do not
bear any resemblance to the Disney caricature of the days past. You know – the guys
who adorned the same bloody apron day in and day out whilst chewing on a
toothpick and tossing slabs of meat over bulging shoulders? I purposefully
stroll Cedric down Rue de la Pompe near our home so we can
gaze into the butcher’s window and admire the men who look as if they were
film stars acting in a commercial. Immaculately dressed, their costumes are
auburn colored and pressed so that the creases perfectly align just above the elbow
- teasing the housewives with a glimpse of their muscular forearms. Their
coifed hair, sparkling teeth and tanned skin imply lazy days spent in St.
than the lovely outdoor markets and shops, the restaurants are delightful and did
you know that eating I cannot stop eating steak tartar? I may not actually digest
this consumption in the long term but one can hope. On
his side, Andy is thrilled that his infamous dinners in China of sea urchin and
golden coin have ended.
have also learned that drinking wine with every meal is perfectly acceptable.
People drink everywhere - in the outdoor cafes or while swinging children in the
park. There is a gaggle of women I see in the café next to our apartment almost
every morning after I drop off Cedric. They emphatically chat together, puff on
their cigarettes while rolling their eyes and drink espresso without cease.
Until about 12:30 when, after fetching Cedric from school, I pass them again
and observe that the coffee cups have been replaced with wine carafes. The Barbie
backpacks and snack bags resting by their well-dressed feet.
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